Alongside our traditional role to train and develop young people to compete in competitive amateur boxing, ALL OF US AT BIRCH GREEN A.B.C. PASSIONATELY believe that boxing CAN BE a driver for behavioural change, PROVIDING a LASTING positive impact across the community. WE BELIEVE IT CAN influence and enable positive health and wellbeing choices, improve self-esteem, build and develop confidence, and create key, BENEFICIAL lifestyle outcomes for participants In our Projects.


In Your Corner is our exciting new UKSPF-funded project in partnership with West Lancashire Borough Council.

The project will be a targeted group-based programme THAT combines boxing, mentoring, AND personal development support, ALL using the Empire Fighting Chance model, which all our coaches have been trained on.

The sessions will run for two hours, twice per week from April 24 – April 25, focussing on two specific groups of participants looking to get CLOSER TO THE LABOUR MARKET OR GO back to work: 16-24 YEAR OLDS, AND OVER 24’s.

The two-hour sessions will be split into two parts.

The first hour will use the boxing therapy approach, featuring a structured programme of physical activities (e.g. pad work, bags, and skipping) AND personal development programmes made to create healthier thinking and the development of personal resilience.

The second hour will be more of a personal development time with the involvement of partner agencies, such as West Lancs COUNCIL Employment Team, money advice team, well being and nutritional health advice and a chance to share ideas, meet new people, and access help in looking for work. Refreshments will be provided for free at every session.

There will also be a chance to gain a vocational accredited certificate through our AQA programme.

Details on how to get involved will follow soon, but please email the club at for further information

Challenge Through Sport (CSI)

CHALLENGE THROUGH SPORT (CSI) is a behaviour change programme run by Active Lancashire for people who need further help in developing resilience to substance misuse.

This programme EMPHASISES working with those with Mental Health issues, those in the Criminal Justice System, and, just as importantly, their friends and families.

CSI’s key focus is to use our boxing and fitness programmes to engage participants through activities to build their resilience, connect with others, integrate back into their RESPECTIVE communities, build confidence AND self-esteem, WHILE ALSO improving THEIR physical and mental wellbeing.

ALL PROGRAMME Participants are mentored by members of the CSI Support Team.

Opening Schools Facilities Fund (OSFF)

Through the OPENING SCHOOL FACILITIES FUND (OSFF), BIRCH GREEN A.B.C. has worked with several Primary and Secondary schools across Skelmersdale SINCE SEPTEMBER 2022, engaging with over 500 children and young PEOPLE, RANGING FROM THE AGES OF FIVE to SIXTEEN.

The OSFF IS AN AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAMME established to allow schools to utilise and open their facilities outside of school hours. THIS ENABLES CHILDREN to TRY OUT new sports AND increase levels of physical activity, PROVIDING THEM THE OPPORTUNITY TO BUILD CHARACTER, RESILIENCE, AND DISCIPLINE AS THEY CONTINUE TO GROW AND DEVELOP.